There are so many schools of thought on stretching…different opinions on when to stretch, how long to hold a stretch, how deep to go into a stretch. It can get very confusing!
A client loaned us a book, Brad Walker’s “The Anatomy of Stretching” today and it is fantastic and a very simple and well-illustrated guide to stretching just about every muscle you’d ever need to stretch. I decided to learn more about Brad Walker and his websites are a wealth of information for athletes, people who work in sedentary jobs, and really anyone!
Check out his blog, for lots of articles. His book is available online, even used, very reasonably if you’re looking for a good stretching resource! His website even has stretching videos for different muscle groups and different types of sport participation.
Another great FREE resource is the website Do Yoga with Me that features yoga videos for different ability and experience levels. This is a great way to find some yoga poses to help with pain and stress management!