East Village Spa continues to require masks at all times (except when receiving a facial or lip/chin wax) if you are not vaccinated.
Effective Tuesday August 3rd, masks will again be required in common areas including the nail room. These are occasionally close quarters and we have mixed vaccine-status of individuals sharing these spaces.

Masks are required for unvaccinated massage guests and preferred for vaccinated massage guests. If you are vaccinated and prefer to remove your mask in the treatment space during your massage, you may need to provide proof of vaccination.
If guests are unvaccinated or are masked for any reason, rest assured your provider will also mask (even if vaccinated.) If a guest who is fully vaccinated opts to unmask during a massage, we’re permitting a fully-vaccinated provider to have the same option in that service. Otherwise, masking will be our default, regardless of provider vaccine status.
All estheticians will mask to provide facials, regardless of their vaccine status. Guests will obviously be able to unmask during facials, lip and chin waxing regardless of vaccine status.
While we respect employee privacy, we are beyond happy to honor your request for a vaccinated provider. We won’t disclose a list of “who is and isn’t” but call and Kelly and I can schedule you with someone who has signed a consent to disclose that they are vaccinated. Frankly, if you’re concerned about COVID19 transmission or have higher risk factors, this is a wise option.
As health and wellness providers, it is our job to improve community health. The situaion in Polk County is concerning and we don’t want to contribute to strain on our healthcare system. Thank you for your cooperation and kindness as we navigate an unfortunate situation that doesn’t have a “great” answer to fit every guest.