November Staff Picks Have Been Announced! As always, enjoy 10% off our favorite products of the month.
Clair’s Pick: Farmhouse Fresh Honey Heel Glaze
Clair picks this Farmhouse favorite because of its awesome moisturizing properties! Apply it before bed & while you sleep it transforms your skin from dry & itchy to soft & supple.
Tiffany’s Pick: Pure Inventions Sport Drink
Tiffany likes this product because it’s not a traditional sports drink full of sugar & sodium. Natural electrolytes from Hawaiian sea salt & natural energy from vitamin B12 make this the perfect drink before, after & during your workout!
Cassie’s Pick: Farmhouse Fresh Sparkling Bath Soak
Cassie picks this luxurious soak because it’s great to combat your dry winter skin. Use it as massage oil or add it to your bath to moisturize those hard to reach places!
Cammie’s Pick: CND Solar Oil
Cammie loves this product for easy home care! A light oil that absorbs quickly to restore & maintain the health of your nails, great for cuticle/skin care too. Use with your favorite polish or on naked nails!

Enjoy 10% off these products the month of November 2014