When our massage therapist and certified Nia instructor Allison Peterson first approached me about teaching Nia at the spa, I wasn’t sure what to think because it seemed so out of our element, but upon further research, it seems like Nia is the perfect complement to our existing wellness services!
Nia was developed in the 1980s as a way to provide aerobic, stretching, and strength training in a safe, non-impact format. Nia is set to music and draws from various forms of dance, healing arts, and martial arts. Nia enthusiasts enjoy that the workout is both energizing and relaxing at the same time.
Alison recently did demonstrations of Nia at a spa event and it was a hit with the attendees! It was my first sample of the technique and I could pinpoint from the movements she guided us through exactly where my low back aches were stemming from.

Nia is great for all fitness levels and will serve as a perfect way for people who are seeing our massage therapists to help with pain, balance and flexibility. Nia is even an appropriate fitness class for people who have Parkinson’s Disease, MS, arthritis and certain musculoskeletal conditions.
For an idea of the kinds of movements that make up a Nia class, watch this great video:
Class size is limited. We are offering two 8-week sessions of classes. one on Thursday mornings 8:00-9:15 am and one Monday evenings from 5:30-6:15. We recommend signing up for as many classes as you can, but recognize that life, meetings, and vacations happen so you can sign up for individual classes online here, as opposed to committing to the entire 8-week session! Individual classes are just $15 and space is limited to 10 per class.
Thursday morning session starts April 2, 2015, Monday evening session starts April 6, 2015.