By guest blogger, Joni Etheredge, our Guest Experience Assistant
Shortly after I started working at East Village Spa, COVID19 forced our 3 month closure. During that time I ran out of my big box store facial products and needed to get more. I decided to switch up my skin care routine and try the spa’s Rhonda Allison products. During my quarantine, the spa’s online store made it super easy to order and pick up curbside or get it mailed.

I started off with the acne DIY facial kit we were selling which included the Beta Green Tea Cleanser, Skin Brightening Enzyme, Wasabi Mask and the Hydrating Grape Seed Serum. Surprisingly I enjoyed the process even though I’ve never been much for spending time on my skin care. This may have been because quarantine meant I had lots of time on my hands.

Cleansing was easy with the beta green tea. Then I moved on to using the skin brightening enzyme that had to sit for 10-15 minutes so I checked emails that I didn’t have, and read a little to pass the time. DING, time to remove with a soft damp cloth as the instructions suggest. It was nice to not have water dripping down my arms from just running and splashing water. On to the Wasabi mask; at first this was a little spicy but after a minute my skin calmed down. The spicy feeling seemed to lessen after several weeks of using this product in my facial routine.
Last on to the Grape seed hydrating serum for moisturizing. It definitely was hydrating and made my skin feel great especially after the enzyme and wasabi. After getting my routine down I switched my moisturizer to the Aloe Matte for daily use since during the summer my skin can get oily. The grape seed serum could leave me feeling oily so I also switched to the Mandelic Au Lait on days I masked with the enzyme and wasabi since it could leave me feeling more dry.
I also was looking for the products that had antibacterial properties in them because I always deal with a lot of jawline and cheek acne and blemishes. I added the Mandelic Perfecting Polish later to my routine a couple times per week for exfoliation. It was fun to have something new to learn about during my quarantine time!
Are you curious about our DIY Rhonda Allison Facials and aren’t able to visit yet, or still staying home as often as possible due to COVID19? Maybe you live further away but want the benefit of professional skincare with advice from licensed professionals. Visit to see what we offer. Several include videos by East Village Spa’s Lead Esthetician, Camille Arbegast, to help you decide what will work for you! You’re welcome to e-mail us at [email protected] and put “skincare” in the subject line. Let us know your skin concerns and a licensed esthetician can make some professional suggestions for you!